Tuesday, December 2, 2008


As UN Pensioner in India, having been blessed and with secure income much better than most and living in a country mismanaged by corrupted politico-bureaucrat-netas nexus in the midst of 40+ per cent people BPL, we should be doing something to repay at least a little for the sake of poor and disadvantaged groups in every strata of our society.

If you cannot do it in a collective/cooperative/collaborative basis as one UNPensioners Association in India, let us make a pledge to do my/our best individually.

There are many ways one can accomplish this karma, armchair sitting at home. For example, just visit http://www.giveindia.org/ and select your favourite project/place/people to receive your help. In fact, there are so many highly efficient, cost-effective and transparent NGO outfits to choose, fulfilling/reflecting your "mission goals in life".

Let us not waste our prescious retired-life by eating and sleeping, waiting for Lord Yama...we can do a lot before he arrives!

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